Saturday, July 27, 2013

In The Beginning - Chapter 6 (Third and Fourth Creation Days)

Chapter 6

Lucifer continued to watch in amazement as did the other angels.  Things were starting to get really good now.  The angels discussed the joy and fascination man would have as he grew to understand more and more about his universe.  They also discussed their roles in the development of man and the purpose for which God had created them.

Meanwhile, back in the earthly realm, Jesus had created the plants and it was time to move things along.

He moved to a place in the universe’s timeline which was perfectly suited for His next act of creation.  He stood in the dim light on the Earth’s surface and said “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.”  He then moved back to the heavenly realm to watch as his command was obeyed by the universe.

The sun which had been too dim to provide the warmth needed to sustain life continued to burn brighter and hotter.  In perfect balance to the sun’s warming the blanket of dust filling the Earth’s atmosphere began to dissipate.

Up to this time the sun was a source of light to the earth but only dimly, the canopy that covered the earth prevented light from more distant stars and from the earth’s moon from being distinguishable.  The entire earth was filled with a dim glow.

Now, though, as the canopy dissipated and the sun brightened the earth was blessed with brilliant daylight on the side of the planet which faced the sun.  On the side opposite the sun the moon reflected the sun’s light to give a dim light to the dark side of the planet.

Now - also visible from the surface of the planet – were the lights of a myriad of stars providing a beautiful backdrop to the wonders of the galaxy of which the Earth was a part.

God the Father watched with joy from his throne as his plan continued to take shape.  “It is good,” he said

Saturday, July 20, 2013

In The Beginning - Chapter 5 (Second Creation Day)

Chapter 5

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

-- Romans 1:20

 Seated high upon His throne which shone as brilliantly as a Sapphire in the Holy of Holies, God observed all things in the heavenly and earthly realms.  His teams of Angels prepared themselves for the coming of man into the universe and the Son prepared the universe for the same event.  Above the throne flew the beautiful Seraphim.

The train of the robe of God flowed gracefully down and filled the temple.  Encircling the throne was a brilliant light glowing beautifully like a rainbow and sparkling like an emerald.

Flowing from out from the throne was a river of water which was calm, as smooth as glass and crystal clear.[i]

The omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent God the Father witnessed the creation of the earthly realm and was pleased.

He watched the reaction of the angels of heaven as well as they sang and danced and praised Him.  He paid particular attention to Lucifer who was watching the creation of the universe unfold intently and quietly.


Jesus immersed Himself in the universe of His making, moving about in it at will, back and forth in time as it pleased Him.

He moved to the correct moment in time and stood upon the depths of the waters that covered the surface of the Earth and lifted his arms high in front of him his palms down.

“Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear,” he said.

As he raised his arms and rotated and opened his hands the sea began tremble.

With the process in motion Jesus moved back into the spiritual realm, back to the throne room in heaven to rejoin the nexus of the triune God.

The waters began to rush back and forth and the waves grew higher and higher.  The elements obeyed his wishes and he smiled broadly as quiet rumbling noises began to grow louder and louder.  As the tectonic plates of the Earth shifted the entire surface of the deep seemed to swirl and rush back and forth, too and fro, looking for a place to escape.  At the height of the violence peaks of mountains began to lift their heads above the surface of the water.  Waters rushed from the slopes of the peaks as the mountains grew higher and higher out of the deep.

As time passed the land continued to rise until a large land mass was fully exposed above the surface of the water.  The violence of it all caused the molten metal and rock which existed in the center of the Earth to gush forth spewing ash and lava creating great islands of volcanic rock.  Steam from the volcanoes filled the atmosphere along with vast amounts of carbon dioxide.

The massive single land mass separated into seven great continents which slowly drifted apart.

Like the author of a book covering eons of time in a single chapter Jesus wrote the pages of the history of the Earth.  He called the dry ground “land” and the waters he called “seas”.[ii]

Gazing on in proud joy, God the Father, saw that it was good and continued to watch as His plan came to fruition.

Once again in the throne room God gazed from the beginning of the earthly timeline to the end.  The canvas was in place and the background was painted, a background of glorious beauty which on the surface seemed simple but in reality was intricately complex.

This background set the stage for what was to come.  The heavenly hosts thought they had seen greatness until they saw what was coming next.

Now Jesus re-entered the earthly realm and brought himself to an area of land which jutted high into the atmosphere.  From here the vastness of the earth opened up before him.

“Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds,” he said.

The brilliance of the Living God began to show itself now even more clearly.  In a universe which was created such that it would eventually fly apart and where all matter moves to decay, Jesus created matter which took on a life of its own.  This matter would reproduce itself and would adapt to its environment in a world utterly hostile to its existence.

And so, like a cosmic computer programmer Jesus put into place the programming language that He would use to program life.

The structure He used to hold His code consisted of two long polymer strands called nucleotides joined together with sugars and phosphate groups.  Attached to the sugar he placed sequences of the chemicals which would come to be known as Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine.  These chemicals, or bases, were used to tell a protein how to arrange amino acids into other proteins.  These were the basic building blocks of life.

Using this code Jesus designed all aspects of life.  Each sequence of code told the protein how to produce other kinds of proteins all working in concert to build a cell.  Many cells then worked together to form an organ and many organs worked together to form an organism.

Jesus programmed every aspect of plant life on the earth.  Because of Earth’s design, vast amounts of carbon dioxide filled the atmosphere, and Jesus programmed plants to feed on it.

Jesus programmed the plants to use what light seeped through the canopy surrounding the earth as an energy source to fuel consumption of carbon dioxide.  Plants absorbed water and minerals from the soil and expelled oxygen as a waste product.

From the largest trees to the smallest blade of grass, he programmed them all in wondrous variety.  He started with smaller plants which grew quickly and died off providing nutrients for other plants.  Over time these gave way to larger plants growing taller and stronger and living for longer periods of time.  As time continued, magnificent trees began to grow which would live on the Earth for thousands of years.

From his throne in the heavenly realm God the Father continued to gaze upon His creation and saw that it was good.

The third step was complete.  The time for God’s greatest creation grew closer.  With each step the Earth was becoming better suited for habitation by man.

[i] Isaiah 6:1-4;Revelation 4;
[ii] Genesis 1:10

Saturday, July 13, 2013

In The Beginning - Chapter 4 (First Creation Day)

Chapter 4
Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
- John 1:3 

Jesus looked upon the tiny ball of matter on which he would place man.  Like the editor of a vast motion picture He moved from the heavenly realm back to the earthly realm to a place in the timeline of the universe when the third planet of the Milky Way galaxy was being formed and watched as the process he had put into motion brought the planets together.

From watching the entire future history of the universe unfold before him, Jesus was keenly aware that, with the proper preparations, a window in time of Earth's history would open which would provide a perfect environment for humans to exists.  With this in mind, He started the process of preparing the Earth for its future inhabitants.

“Man will take great pleasure in staring at the heavenly lights”, said Jesus.  “We will place him in such a location as to be able to watch the galaxies unfolding around him.”

As the Earth was bombarded by other chunks of matter a molten core of heavy particles was formed with lighter particles covering the surface.  As the Earth cooled Jesus was aware that the Earth would need a delicate balance of nature in order to sustain life.  With a flick of a finger he caused a collision to occur between the earth and another smaller planet.

Jesus caused the force of the impact to be just powerful enough to knock the Earth about 23 degrees off of its axis.  “Perfect” said Jesus.  “Now the Earth can have its seasons.”  This was required so that the Earth could sustain plant and animal life.

Also during the collision a large chunk of the Earth flew away from the surface of the planet.  The Earth’s gravity kept it from moving too far away and additional collisions by smaller comets and meteors increased its size until its gravitational pull was exactly as Jesus had planned.[i]

“Good,” said Jesus.  “Now the Earth will have its tides.”

After this, Jesus caused a heavy bombardment of meteorites and comets to come against the earth and the entire surface of the earth became densely packed and covered in ice.

Jesus said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.”

On command the Earth’s core began struggling to expand sending lava spewing to the surface.  The ice melted into steam which contained carbon dioxide and other elements which floated away from the surface.  Earth’s gravity held these particles close enough to create a protective barrier above the Earth.  The resulting greenhouse effect cause the ice to melt and the entire surface of the earth became covered in water.[ii]  The canopy of volcanic dust and water particles held together perfectly giving the earth a warm blanket under which Jesus could perform his even greater works of creation.

At this time the light from the nearby Sun was still dim.  If not for the canopy of the atmosphere the entire Earth would have remained ice.  As it was, the surface was warm with just enough light breaking through the canopy to fill the earth with a faint glow of light.

Jesus looked at all He had done.  He looked at the expanse between the atmosphere and the oceans covering the Earth and he called the expanse “sky”.  The second step in creating order from chaos was complete.


Back in the heavenly realm Lucifer governed with calm efficiency.  His leadership was brilliant, his methods perfection.  Those whom he governed followed him with devotion and admiration.

He watched as Jesus brought the universe into being and was in awe.  “Such power, such amazing power,” he thought.  “How privileged I am to be given authority over the entire heavenly realm.”

He continued to watch as Jesus went about his work.

[i] A body’s gravity is directly related to its mass and distance from its neighbors.  The higher the mass the stronger the gravitational pull, and the closer an object is to another the stronger its pull from that object.  For more information the reader can research Newton’s law of universal gravitation and Einstein’s theory of general relativity or Gauss’ law for gravity.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

In The Beginning - Chapter 3 (The Big Bang)

Chapter 3

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

--John 1:3

First, Jesus created tiny particles of matter, enough to fill a universe large enough to hold man and give him an expanse of heavens to gaze upon in awe and wonder.  This Cosmic Baker then packed all of this matter together into a tiny ball of tightly packed particles like so much pizza dough.  This mass of tightly packed particles, known as the singularity, contained all of the mass that would ever exist in the universe.[i]

Like everything else in the heavenly realm, the Holy Spirit surrounded the singularity, consecrating it for its purpose.

Jesus set the singularity in the heavens, and as the hosts of heavens watched, he waved his hand over it and said “Let there be light!”

Immediately, a brilliant flash of light exploded from what was the singularity.  As matter reacted with anti-matter causing annihilation of both into photons the new universe began to expand rapidly.

Within the slightest fraction of a second the universe was spoken into existence.  The heavenly hosts cheered in unison with joyfulness and exultation[ii] – the universe was born and with it the ultimate plan of God was set into motion.  A sense of awesomeness permeated the heavens as Jesus did his work.  All the while the heavenly hosts looked on with excited anticipation.

Slightly more matter existed than anti-matter, so when the anti-matter was exhausted the universe began to take shape, formed from the matter which was left-over.

Random quantum fluctuations inflated rapidly from the tiny quantum world to a macroscopic landscape of astronomical proportions.

Jesus continued to move his arms in a slow but steady rotation.  The force of God known as gravity caused the matter which now comprised the universe to coalesce into ever growing masses.

Within a fraction of a second from the initial explosion, the matter which was not annihilated by anti-matter coalesced into the elements of hydrogen, helium and lithium, the lightest of the elements which would come to exist within the universe.

The force of gravity drew these initial elements together to form massive, intense stars which exploded again and again forming heavier elements including carbon and oxygen – the building blocks of life. 

As the universe expanded, tiny variations in the amount of matter from one location to another allowed gravity to take hold pulling the heavier elements together forming ever larger clusters of matter.

Like a master painter, Jesus carefully controlled the expansion of the universe by closely controlling the rate of expansion[iii].  If the expansion rate was too fast the entire universe would collapse under the force of gravity into nothing but black holes and supernovae.  If the expansion rate was too fast the universe would remain a cloud of loose particles and would never form into a useful abode for man.  Jesus caused Dark Energy to envelop these newly forming galaxies, keeping the universe expanding at exactly the right rate for life to be created and to flourish.[iv]

At his slightest thought, the elements of the universe formed galaxies, stars, and planets.  It was a masterpiece of divine engineering.  It was all being formed in concert for a single purpose – to host those He would create who would choose to love him.

Jesus withdrew from the earthly realm into the heavenly realm.  By His power the universe was taking form, without it the entire universe would decay into nothingness as the entropy He built into the system exerted itself against the progression of events unfolding before Him.[v]  By the will of God alone the universe exists.

Back in the throne room the triune God gazed at the timeline of the universe from its birth until it was given over to entropy and ceased to exist in any tangible form, the earthly realm from beginning to end.  He saw that it was good and He was pleased.

As the time passed in the earthly realm, guided by the will of God, the explosion of stars occurred less and less frequently and the universe began to take shape.

In the heavenly realm, the goodness of the Lord abolishes all evil as the light of His glory abolishes all darkness.  In the earthly realm, however, man would have the ability to choose to ignore the good and embrace the evil which is simply the lack of good.  In the same way, in the earthly realm, darkness prevailed where there was an absence of light.  In many more ways in coming eons the physical world would reflect the realities of the spiritual.  It was all a part of God’s perfect plan.

Jesus watched as His divine plan took shape.  As the worlds and stars began to coalesce He named each one paying particular attention to the ball of loosely packed rock, metal and ice which He named Earth.  This was no ordinary planet.  This would become the home of the beings whom He would create to worship Him.

The Holy Spirit moved upon the Earth and surrounded it consecrating it for the life it was soon to support.

At its core was molten rock and metal and its surface was covered in ice.  A dense blanket of dust, carbon dioxide and water surrounded the planet from the surface to a distance of several miles as Earth’s gravity pulled the cosmic cloud of matter inward.  The matter was so dense that no hint of light could reach the surface from the nearby star. 

The darkness God called night and the light He called Day.

Order was being formed from chaos and the first step of His plan for creation was complete.

[i] Newton’s First Law of Thermodynamics (aka the Law of Conservation of Energy) tells us that in a system (the universe), all of the energy exists that will ever exist.  Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.  Einstein’s theory of relativity equates energy with mass.  E=mc2 says that energy is mass (or weight) times the speed of light, squared (9x1016).  Therefore, all of the mass that will ever exist in the universe currently exists.
[ii] Job38:7
[iii] Job 9:8 says that God “stretches out the heavens”.  This implies and active participation in the exact rate of expansion of the universe to support the life he would later create to inhabit it.
[v]  Simply stated, the Second Law of Thermodynamics says: Energy spontaneously tends to flow only from being concentrated in one place to becoming diffused or dispersed and spread out.   This means that unless something stops it, everything in the universe would disperse into nothingness.  Stated another way all things in the universe move toward decay.

In case the reader wonders, technically stated it says: the entropy of an isolated system which is not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium, and that the entropy change dS of a system undergoing any infinitesimal reversible process is given by δq / T, where δq is the heat supplied to the system and T is the absolute temperature of the system.

A Christian Perspective on Capital Punishment and the Sanctity of Life - Part 2

Part 2 - Abortion and the Sanctity of Life   In Part 1 of this two part series I discussed the conditions when the Bible expressly allows a...