Wednesday, May 28, 2014

In The Beginning - Chapter 22 (Epilogue)

Jesus now sat in the throne room at the right hand of his Father, the entirety of the heavens was permeated with the glory of the Holy Spirit.  Each of the three aspects of God together in Heaven.

In the presence of the twenty four elders, the Seraphim, and hosts of Angels, God looked at the timeline of Earth's history.

He looked again at the creation of the universe and of the Earth.

He looked at the point in time when man fell and a dark shadow was cast over the entire universe.

He looked at the point in time where he was forced to limit the lifespan of man to temper the spread of evil throughout the Earth.

He watched as all humans except Noah and his progeny were wiped clean from the face of the Earth because of their extreme wickedness.

He watched King David writing his prophetic prose in a cave by a campfire.

He watched as his chosen people rejected him and then repented over and over again.

He looked to the point in Earth's history when the time was right to offer Himself a living sacrifice to pay the penalty of the sin of those whom He loved.

He watched again as the part of him known as Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man, was crucified to pay that penalty.

He then looked to the end when man, as many as would, had come to salvation by acceptance of his free gift of grace.

This was the time when he would send his earthly persona back to the earth to gather those who accepted his gift of salvation back to him in a great reaping of the harvest of souls.

Between the two comings of Jesus' physical presence to the Earth was a great period of time when the people of the Earth would experience an enlightening as had never happened before.  A time when the good news of salvation would be spread rapidly throughout the entire world spurred on by the diaspora.

A time when the seeds of salvation would be planted by everyday people pleading with their friends and family to experience the love they had experienced in Him.

A time for the love of God to be experienced as it never had been before.


A Christian Perspective on Capital Punishment and the Sanctity of Life - Part 2

Part 2 - Abortion and the Sanctity of Life   In Part 1 of this two part series I discussed the conditions when the Bible expressly allows a...